Estelle Vallier - Journey in cluster

arcs:9235 - Analyse de réseaux pour les sciences sociales, March 30, 2018 -
Journey in clusterArticle

Authors: Estelle Vallier ORCID1

  • 1 Centre Pierre Naville

This article focuses on inter­-organizational and interpersonal networks within a biocluster (a geographical pool of biotechnology companies, laboratories and universities). Diverse forms of interactions and interpenetration can be observed across the three spheres of science, industry and education. Using network analysis and the traditional methods of sociology (observations, interviews and surveys), this article reveals that while there are limited formal relations between organizations, phenomena of mutual acquaintance can be observed on an inter­individual level. At employee level, these acquaintances manifest themselves through a shared sense of belonging to the "small world of genomics", and through the sharing of experience in case of problems. Within teams, there are collegial and sometimes even friendly relations, but they rarely turn into professional interaction. In this context, individuals may activate their interpersonal networks for the purposes of occupational mobility, giving rise to an internal labor market. However, this market is disconnected from local students, although the university works to adapt its curriculum to the needs of local companies and laboratories.

Published on: March 30, 2018
Accepted on: March 30, 2018
Submitted on: July 10, 2017
Keywords: Intermediation,Biocluster,Interpersonnal relations,Geographical proximity,Professional circulation,Acquaintance,Biocluster,Intermédiation,Proximité géographique,Relations interpersonnelles,Circulation professionnelle,Interconnaissance,[SHS.SOCIO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Sociology


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