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This report of the thesis "Recommending utopia? A construction of an intergovernmental cooperation by the International Bureau of Education (IBE) in the middle of the 20th century" (Brylinski, 2022), focuses on the use of network analysis to study intergovernmental cooperation in education. The first part sets out the research questions and the data collected. The second describes how network analyses were applied to the Bulletins and to the Minutes published by the IBE. Then, the third part exposes the results obtained, to illustrate how these techniques are useful to study the staging of States, their interactions and cooperation strategies. Network analysis is thus a relevant method to analyze how governments contributed to the construction of the cause which lied at the heart of the cooperation project, namely peace education. This approach makes it possible to improve our understanding of the circulation and co-construction of knowledge within the framework of an intergovernmental organization and the production of international education recommendations.