Alice Gillerot ; Philippe Jeanneaux ; Etienne Polge - The role of farmer collectives developing territorialized supply chains on the agroecological transition trajectories of farms: analysis using the quantified narratives method

arcs:10874 - Analyse de réseaux pour les sciences sociales, May 16, 2024, Relational chains -
The role of farmer collectives developing territorialized supply chains on the agroecological transition trajectories of farms: analysis using the quantified narratives methodArticle

Authors: Alice Gillerot 1,2; Philippe Jeanneaux ORCID1,3,2; Etienne Polge ORCID4,5,6

Collective action among farmers is regularly presented as a driver for the adoption of agroecological practices on farms. This study proposes to extend the analysis of relational drivers in the implementation of changes in practices beyond peer groups, by looking at their collective organization around territorialized supply chains involving other actors. More specifically, this paper proposes to study the role that this collective organization around territorial supply chains plays in the changes toward agroecological practices carried out on farms.The study of the individual farm trajectories as a chain of events is an approach that allows the understanding and analysis of changes in practices. As we are interested in coordination mechanisms based on interactions between actors as a driver for agroecological transition, we mobilize the framework and tools of social network analysis. In particular, in order to analyse the relational drivers in the trajectories of changes practices, we mobilize the relational chain approach through the method of quantified narratives. This approach allows us to understand changes in practices on farms as collective actions, through the study of relationships activated by farmers in order to have access to different types of resources during their trajectory. Thus, our work feeds the literature mobilizing the method of quantified narratives for the analysis of farm transition trajectories, which we modulate by focusing on the trajectory of a particular cropping system analysed through the agronomic and socio-economic principles of agroecology. We conducted semi-structured interviews with eight farmers who are members of a territorial organic wheat-flour- bread supply chain collective that includes a miller and a baker, all located in the plain of Limagne (Puy-de-Dôme, France). Following these interviews focused on their changes in wheat-growing practices, we identified five phases of agronomic and socio-economic coherence in their trajectories, that we evaluated through the prism of the agroecological principles. We then identified the relationships activated by the farmers to access the various resources needed to carry out the changes in practices during these different phases. Based on their trajectories, a typology of farms was created. This typology helps to understand the different roles played by farmers’ collectives developing territorial supply chains in the different types of farms, by analysing during which phases of the trajectory they intervene, to provide access to which resources, in articulation with which other actors. Although the interests for participation vary between the different types of farms, it appears that the farmers’ collective developing territorial supply chains systematically give access to commercial, cognitive, social and material resources. As a result, they favour access to strategic resources on the farms, making it possible to couple changes in agricultural practices and their economic valorisation. These resources contribute to a change in the farmers' posture during their trajectory, moving from a role of raw material producers to a role of co-designers of agroecological products.

Volume: Relational chains
Section: Papers
Published on: May 16, 2024
Accepted on: March 22, 2024
Submitted on: January 30, 2023
Keywords: Farm,transition trajectories,agroecological practices,farmers’ collective,quantified narratives,Exploitation agricole,trajectoires de transition,pratiques agroécologiques,collectifs agricoles,narrations quantifiées,[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance,[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography,[SHS.SOCIO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Sociology
    Source : HAL
  • Low-Input Farming and Territories – Integrating knowledge for improving ecosystem-based farming; Funder: European Commission; Code: 770747

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